Kampol Pich or Anlong Phnheav resort is located in Takeo province, about 50Km from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. You can go by national road #4 and turn left in road #41, Kampol pich is the man-made resort, before get there you can drop by Golden fish resort the views is not bad for photo, the both resort is linked. They have mountain view, taking duck boat and having picnic. To get away from the busy city, Kampol Pich resort is the best choice, just only 2-hour drive. The first impression to me is mountain views, clear sky and breathing fresh air. Kampol Pich resort they have such as the beautiful green gardens, different kind of flowers where is the most attractive to people for visiting and taking photos. We paid for the entrance ticket, 5USD for one vehicle. 

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This is MJ Fang from Cambodia, i hold MBA, current working as accountant but i am here do not like accounting, i love traveling, like roaming around i never stop my foots in one place. Want to know more about my traveling experiences, life, story please visit my site www.mj-travelblog.com, i am glad if my blogging here will inspire you guys to travel more.